美国顶级医学院梅奥诊所使用pro2 plus打印脊柱手术模拟器 -凯发k8官方网娱乐官方


梅奥医学中心,亦称梅奥诊所(mayo clinic),是全美综合排名第一的殿堂级医院。梅奥诊所从2009年开始使用3d打印技术,一年打印600多例3d模型(2018年数据),2018年有幸聆听梅奥诊所 jonathon morris 教授在上海亚洲tct展 kick-off keynote做主题报告,分享他们通过3d打印解决疑难杂症,从连体婴分离到先天性脊柱侧凹手术和骨肿瘤手术等。近日,3dprint.com报道梅奥医学中心使用raise3d pro2 plus打印机制作脊柱手术模拟器的案例,我们感到很荣幸,将案例分享,以帮助更多的医学机构和医务工作者,故译之。

mayo clinic creates free 3d-printed spinesurgery simulator for medical training


作者:vanesa listek

the ongoing covid-19 pandemic has demandedan unprecedented response from healthcare systems around the world. and to overcome the visible impact caused by the disease, the medical field is heavilyrelying on 3d printing technologies, digital trends, telehealth, artificialintelligence, and robotics. if crises can accelerate innovation andcollaboration, then this pandemic has proven that innovators from a wide rangeof fields, working together to confront the outbreak, will play a critical rolein enabling the breakthroughs needed for humanity to advance.


as part of their continuing efforts toshare knowledge, a team of experts at the 3d printing lab at mayo clinic’sdepartment of neurosurgery—the b.r.a.i.n. (biotechnology research andinnovation neuroscience) laboratory—have created the first open-access,3d-printed simulator for resident and medical student education in spinalanatomy and pedicle screw placement.


also known as spinebox, the simulatordesign can be 3d printed on any desktop device, has a total cost of under 10dollars, can be disseminated to neurosurgical and orthopedic residents trainingin spinal surgery to continue their practice during the current operativefurlough, and the stl file can be downloaded for free at the autodesk online gallery,or by following the link.


the creators of spinebox and co-founders of b.r.a.i.n., william clifton, a neurosurgery resident at the mayo clinic inflorida, and aaron damon, a researcher and lab specialist at the simulationcenter at the mayo clinic, recently published a paper in cureus describing theprocess behind their development, as well as its uses in anatomical educationand training for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar region of the spine.

spinebox的设计者和b.r.a.i.n的共同创始人,威廉克利夫顿willian clifton,同时也是一位佛罗里达梅奥医学中心的神经外科住院医师,和亚伦达蒙——一位梅奥医学中心模拟中心的研究员和实验室专家,两人近期在cureus上发表了一篇论文,论文描述了他们的研发过程,以及spinebox在脊柱腰椎椎弓根螺钉固定的解剖学教育和训练中的应用。

the study aims to provide institutionsacross the world with an economical and feasible means of spine surgerysimulation for neurosurgical trainees and to encourage other rapid prototypinglaboratories to investigate innovative means for creating educational surgicalplatforms. according to the authors of the article, the rarity of cases andrelatively low general incidence of neurosurgical diseases—compared to othersurgical subspecialties—presents challenges to ensure that trainees haveadequate exposure to procedures that can help them become well-trained surgicalphysicians.


moreover, as the world came to a halt amidthe coronavirus pandemic, medical students were sidelined from their trainingas schools ended contact with patients. in the united states, 90,000 medicalstudents have responded with grassroots efforts to secure masks, staff-patientcall centers, and even provide childcare for healthcare workers who need to beat the frontlines. even if students go back to school sometime this year, thecurrent global situation has proven how important it is to have access tolearning tools that are mobile and independent of hospital-related conditions.


the recent outbreak has diminished manyneurosurgical learning opportunities throughout the world due to conferencecancellations, decreased operating room utility, and quarantine policies. inthe study, clifton and damon revealed that a simulator design that is easilycreated and portable for dissemination to neurosurgical trainees does not exist. that was something they were eager to develop and share with the medicalcommunity.


the five co-authors of the paper, includingclifton and damon, along with mayo clinic neurosurgeons mark pichelmann, ericnottmeier, and fidel valero-moreno, decided to carry out this project toprovide institutions across the world with a cost-effective, easily available“in-house” model.


during the study, ten spineboxes weresuccessfully printed using acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (abs) filament on a raise3d pro2 plus fused deposition modeling (fdm) 3d printer. it took the team30 hours and $9.68 of material to print each spinebox.

在研究过程中,团队在raise3d pro2 plus 熔融沉积成型(fdm) 3d打印机上使用abs耗材成功打印了10个spinebox。每个spinebox,团队花费30个小时和价值9.68美元的耗材。

the team first acquired an anonymized ctscan of the lumbar spine of an adult patient to produce lumbar vertebral modelsthat adequately replicated normal surface anatomy. the ct scan was then uploadedinto the open source 3d slicer platform, where five lumbar vertebrates (l1-l5) were individually selected, and facet joints and intervertebral spaces weremanually separated to produce individually segmented models of the lumbarvertebrae. each of the five lumbar vertebral models was then converted into an stl file and uploaded into the cad software platform meshmixer, which was alsoused to construct a virtual housing box for the vertebral models. the sliced spinebox stl file was converted into a g-code to finally be 3d printed.

该团队首先对一名成年患者的腰椎进行ct扫描,以生成能够充分复制正常表面解剖结构的腰椎模型。然后将ct扫描上传到开源3d切片平台,在此平台上分别选择五块脊椎 (l1-l5),手动分离小平面关节和椎间隙以产生腰椎的单独分割模型。五个腰椎模型中的每一个都被转换成stl文件之后上传到cad平台meshmixer,该平台也被用来为脊椎模型构建一个虚拟的盒子。切片后的spineboxstl文件被转换成g-code,接着进行3d打印。

in order to enhance the educationalexperience, the team decided that they would also replicate the soft tissuestructure by creating a soft barrier so that medical trainees wouldn’t see thevertebral model directly, providing a surgical environment that enabled them tooperate in realistic conditions. in this case, they decided to cut flexibleupholstery polyurethane foam sheets to fit the dimensions of the simulatorhousing box (at 17.6 x 18.6 cm). after the assembly was complete, the veryrealistic simulator allowed trainees to cut through the foam with a scalpel anduse surgical retractors to simulate the separation of the soft tissue after theincision, allowing them to see into the operative cavity.

the use of polyurethane foam for soft tissue simulation as in a live operative scenario


为了增强教育体验,团队决定通过设计一个软屏障来复制人体皮肤软组织结构,这样医学生就不会直接看到脊椎模型,从而提供一个拟真的外科手术环境,使他们能够在更贴近现实的条件下操作。为了实现这个目标,他们需要切割柔性室内装饰聚氨酯泡沫片,以适应模拟器外壳盒的尺寸(17.6 x 18.6厘米)。组装完成后,受训者用手术刀切开泡沫片,并使用手术牵开器模拟切口后软组织的分离后,可以让学生们看到手术腔,非常逼真。

as described in the paper, clifton and damon have already begun using cad design and 3d printing at the mayo clinic, in jacksonville, to construct spinebox simulators, which are also disposable and able to replicate the cortico-cancellous interface for pedicle screw placement.


the primary learning goal of the simulator was to instruct junior neurosurgical trainees in the anatomy and technique for pedicle screw placement in the lumbar spine. as stated in the study, they have already 3d-printed 10 spinebox models for training, which were used to place a total of 100 pedicle screws in 50 lumbar levels.


the pedicle screws of the 3d-printed lumbar vertebrae can be seen within the model after being placed and graded based on location for both teaching and objective skill assessment


3d printing has already proven to be atechnology that can provide the means to recreate key points of anatomy foranatomical and procedural learning. this is especially true in the realm ofspinal surgery, as with clifton and damon’s original biomimetic human tissuesimulators, another training model they developed to help hundreds of medicalresidents improve their skills. furthermore, as many institutions around theworld continue to acquire  desktop 3dprinters, they will need more open-access and cheap simulator designs that donot require purchase or extensive assembly.


the spinebox simulator represents theresult of many years of research focused on innovation in healthcare education.in addition, it can change the way medical schools prepare physicians for thedemands of the future, especially as hospitals and procedures continue toundergo changes in the era of the pandemic.


clearly committed to using 3d printing torevolutionize the way surgeons are taught, clifton and damon continue tosurprise us with their improved designs and free-access delivery of simulatorsto any institution around the world that needs them, surely, many will takeadvantage of this new development.



